Welcome to Water Dragon Arts. For a small monthly fee you can gain access to all Qigong courses, classes, lectures as well as the new Taijiquan program. To purchase the full curriculum in one extensive course, click here.

Willkommen bei Water Dragon Arts. Für einen kleinen monatlichen Beitrag bekommen Sie Zugang zu allen Qigong-Kursen, Unterrichtseinheiten und auch dem neuen Yang Tai Chi-Programm. Lernen Sie mehr!





Marco, your Water Dragon Arts Online Academy opened another door for me! I very much hope that I can enter myself with the necessary perseverance and stick with it! I really appreciate your carefully designed lessons. Methodically / dactically coherent and structured, you set me up to participate, browse and acquire theoretical knowledge. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences! Greetings

Karin, Qigong student from Switzerland

Tim McGee

Tim McGee