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A guide to understanding the real lower Dan Tian!

A guide to understanding the real lower Dan Tian!

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The Dan Tian (丹田, literally meaning “the elixir of life field) has many different synonyms. It’s commonly known as the centre of gravity, Hara or Tanden (in Japanese), energy centre of the body or even the second brain. In internal martial arts it is one of the most important areas in the body. At times we need to distinguish between the “simple” Dan Tian and the real (lower) Dan Tian. If you here the term “Dan Tian” without any specific instructions or location within the body it is likely that a broad area at the outside of your lower abdomen is meant. The real lower Dan Tian however, is an area as big as a small football on the inside. It is situated about 2 inches below your navel.

So why is it called energy centre of the body?

Not just energy centre, but also called the wellspring of human energy. It is the residence of your original Qi. (The purest form of Water Qi”. The abdomen has layers of fat, muscles, tendons and fascia which are all conductors of energy. When very good conductors of energy are sandwiched with lesser ones it functions like a battery and energy can be stored. The real Dan Tian is behind the abdominal muscles, in the guts, with a constitution that is perfect for storing energy. The Dan Tian is a neural network sometimes referred to as the 2nd brain. Through concentration and different mental and physical exercises, it can be energized and with practice you will be able to condition this area to hold an increasing capacity of energy.

What’s the difference between the simple and real lower Dan Tian?

The simple Dan Tian is in front of, and including some of the abdominal muscles. This area with fascia, fat and tendons is on the conceptional vessel (front of the body) You are able to energize this area, however this energy will quickly be distributed again and consumed by your body. So you can build up energy, but you can’t store it. This is the main difference of the lower Dan Tians.

Qigong Chikung meditation practice, The real lower Dan Tian in small circulation,heavenly cycle

3 Dan Tians of the body

The are 3 Dan Tians in the body:

  1. Lower Real Dan Tian (Xia Dan Tian) - located in the center of the guts

  2. Middle Dan Tian - the diaphragm and heart, solar plexus area

  3. Upper Dan Tian - this is the limbic system in the center of the head, including the pineal gland or "third eye".All three Dan Tians are connected and communicate instantaneously though the spinal cord.

In addition to the Dan Tians there are 8 Qi vessels that function as reservoirs. They are connected to the 12 primary Qi channels and regulate the Qi that is circulating in the Qi channels. Those channels are like rivers of Qi and when the Qi is a bit too high in one of the rivers, one of the reservoirs will absorb some of the Qi, or if the level is too high it will supply Qi to it in order to regulate the energy and maintain the correct balance. In order to be healthy, the Qi reservoirs must be full and the Qi must flow freely without stagnation.

The 2 most important Qi vessels are the “Conception Vessel” (Yin) and the “Governing Vessel” (Yang). They are located in the centre line of the body from the crown of the head to the coccyx. The 2 vessels are connected with each other and create a complete loop. The Governing Vessel starts from the perineum just before the anus, runs upward along the mid-line of back to the head and stops on inside of the upper lip. The Conception Vessel includes the eye sockets and goes down from the upper lip along the mid-line of the abdomen and chest to the perineum.

Qigong practitioners believe that in order to have a healthy and strong body, the Qi has to be full in these two vessels and circulate smoothly. This is the goal of the small circulation meditation. In order for us to succeed with the “Small Heavenly Cycle” we need to cultivate an abundant amount of Qi in our real lower Dan Tian. In order to do that we will use our mind and strongly concentrate on the area of the real lower Dan Tian to lead and store Qi there. Once we have reached sufficient level of accumulated Qi we can start circulating the Qi. If you are able to succeed in the small circulation training you have accomplished building a extremely strong and powerful foundation which will allow you to practice the Yijin Jing to its fullest potential.

Why is it called the second brain?

To this day there have been countless experiments executed and modern science is slowly able to prove some theories and gain a scientific knowledge of Qi and the lower Dan Tian. Some studies have been released that found out that every cell functions like an electric battery, able to store electric charge. This makes us believe that the human body is basically one big battery, made from millions of small ones. Some researchers have explained that conductivity on the skin and other parts of the body varies greatly and they are able to prove a higher conductivity at acupuncture points. All these recent scientific results back up some of the ancient beliefs such as the Qi channels, which are like wires that carry electric current, Qi vessels, being like capacitors which regulate the current or finally the real lower Dan Tian, which functions like a large battery that stores a charge and is able to provide an electromotive force and distribute Qi throughout the body.

The lower Dan Tian has a similar structure to the brain, with the capacity for memory. They are connected through the spinal cord and the central nervous system, where electric conductivity is highest and resistance is lowest. They function almost as one unit. The lower brain can store bioelectricity and the mind that generates an idea creates an electromotive force (Qi) and leads it to the body for action.

Now let’s take a quick look at the importance of the real lower Dan Tian for the martial artist. As mentioned before the centre is an about ball sized area inside the lower body, behind the navel. From this place all power that mobilizes the body originates. This ball, your centre of gravity, is surrounded by different muscle groups and connective tissues that are related to this centre. This complex network of tissues is linked to most body lines of connection. This means that even if you wish to express power in your fingers you have to rely on the connection to the real lower Dan Tian. The stronger the neurological pathways are for making this connection, and the more aware you are (eventually shifting from awareness to habitual movement) the stronger you can express your power.

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Let’s summarize the important roles of the real lower Dan Tian:

  • The real lower Dan Tian is an area of highly conductive tissues which functions as a large battery and store or supply electric charge.

  • It is the residence of your original Qi which is an important pure “Water Qi” which was generated from your original essence.

  • Through concentration you can be energize your lower Dan Tian and with practice you will be able to condition this area to hold an increasing capacity of energy.

  • With an abundant amount of Qi in your lower Dan Tian you can start your small circulation and increase the natural Qi flow within your body and become a stronger and healthier person.

  • The lower Dan Tian has a similar structure to the brain and is capable of memory. By becoming aware of it and cultivating the connection between your “two brains” you can strengthen your body, it’s neurological pathways to express power more efficiently and create harmony and balance.

  • The lower Dan Tian is the the centre of gravity and plays and important role to express power in all parts of the body.

  • Being aware of the Dan Tian will ultimately lead to full body-awareness and help ease tension of the muscles while connecting the head, chest, arms, and legs together as one.

  • The Dan Tian can be used as a meditation object which will bring you in the present moment and cultivate energy at the same time.


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